Computers & Internet

All our locations offer free access to computers. Microsoft Office is installed on all of our computers. To use a computer, you must have a library card and PIN (Personal Identification Number). Adults without a library card can get a guest pass.

Computers are available on a first-come-first-served basis. You will initially have a one hour computer session. If no one is waiting, you can extend your time.

Information saved on our computers is deleted at the end of each session, so you should copy your work onto your own flash drive.

You can print at all of our locations. Black & White printing is 10¢ per page and color printing is 40¢ per page. The coin box accepts change and $1, $5, and $10 bills. Refunds will be given only when equipment malfunctions.

While we do provide free access to hardware and software, we cannot provide in-depth, on the spot IT support. We will do our best to assist you with your computer needs while maintaining social distance.

If you want to use our computers, read our Internet Access Policy which explains our rules for computer use.