
1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Date posted: January 26, 2015, 4:10 pm

10001000 Books Before Kindergarten encourages parents to read 1000 books with their preschool-aged children before they go off to kindergarten. Books can be repeated again and again. Any and all books read to the child can be counted for this program. Reading aloud to your children can increase their vocabulary, their storytelling skills, and their interest in reading, all of which can help them achieve more when they start school! 1000 books sounds like a lot, but it’s completely attainable if you break it down into small chunks of reading. You don’t have to complete this task in a few months, you can take years if you want!

You can sign up for this free program at any of our locations. You’ll receive a bookmark that has paw prints on it to track your reading. Kids or parents color in part of the paw print for each book you read together. Your first bookmark will track the first 100 books you read with your child. After reading 100 books, bring that bookmark back to the library to receive a prize and get another bookmark!

How does 1000 Books before Kindergarten work?

  • After your child has heard 100 books, bring your bookmark back in to the library. You child will receive a prize such as play dough, foam letters, or wikki stix.  Parents will receive information on how to use that prize to help increase their child’s early literacy skills through play.
  • No deadlines – just complete the program before your child goes to kindergarten.
  • No child is too young – reading to babies is a wonderful way to connect and explore the world with your little one!

1000 books sounds like a lot!  Isn’t it a little overwhelming?

  • 1000 books is a lot! It’s a very impressive number, but one that is completely attainable if you break it down into smaller pieces.
  • If you read one book a day with your baby, you will finish by the time they are 3 years old.
  • If you read 3 books a day with your child, you will finish the program in a year.
  • Even if your child is going to kindergarten next year, you can complete 1000 books by reading 3-4 books with them every day.
  • Repeats count – if your child loves a certain book and has you read it every day, count it every time you read it.
  • If your child attends preschool or storytime at the library, count the books read to your child.
  • Older siblings? Let them practice their reading skills by reading with your preschooler.
  • Make reading a habit. Bedtime stories are great and work for many families. Waiting at the doctor’s office is another great time to share a story.  Short on time?  Share a story while your child is playing in the bathtub.  Wiggly toddler?  Share a story while they are sitting in their high chair eating cheerios.

How can I make reading with my preschooler fun?

  • Give them some choice over what you read.
  • Take trips to the library often, so you always have new books to read.
  • Share stories you loved as a child.
  • Act out favorite stories, make characters from play dough or paper bags and have your child retell the story.
  • Make sharing stories a positive time—if it isn’t working, but the book down and try again later.